Let's trash talk together!

Let's trash talk together!

Hello Trash Talker - Thanks for being here! I won't do to many posts like this, but wanted to introduce myself and give you a little background beyond my About Me Page! 

I've been fascinated with sustainability for the past 20+ years. It's only till now that I've finally decided to jump into the rolloff and share my love of sustainable practices with others from the viewpoint of waste. 

When I was young, I loved to help my parents recycle right. That was when we still had to sort items by materials. Perhaps I was always destined to be a trash talker! Over the years, I've pursued sustainability in my career in different ways. 

When I worked in the events and entertainment industry, I was advocating for recycling efforts at events. I was on the Green Team for the 80/35 Music Festival that implemented the first zero waste program for the event. I wrote grants to implement recycling efforts in a historical venue and even wrote about sustainable events in my Master Thesis. I won't bore you with all those details though! 

I spent most of my career working in events which made me see our waste issues up close and sometimes, super personal. When working zero waste bins, it's a great opportunity to understand people's thoughts around waste. I've learned so much just from talking to people. 

When I decided to leave my events job in 2018, I pursued a new path and launched a nonprofit called Women in Sustainability. The mission of WIS it to CARE for the planet through Community, Advocacy, Resources and Education. We hosted networking events, toured local sustainable businesses, supported sustainable policy and much more! I loved being able to connect with community through WIS. Unfortunately, I always felt like something was still missing in my life. 

The Universe called and in 2024, I made another career pivot but this time back to the path that's been calling my name this whole time.... trash talking! 

I'm now excited to spend time with you and learn how we can trash talk together along with saving the planet one piece of trash at a time. 

If you ever have questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to support you and guide you through this ever confusing world of  recycling and composting. Until next time, keep talkin' trash, ya'll! 
